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Sunday, April 1, 2007


Align Right
Nepal is full of young achievers. However, only a handful of them have been recognized and their heroism sung of. Ananta Shrestha is one such winner who has not only performed a unique feat but even set a world record.

The world record for cycling backwards is held by Australia's Alan Pierce, who in 1985 cycled backwards for 100.09 km. But our own Ananta Shrestha has already cycled backwards covering a distance of 1028 km in 66 hrs 51 minutes in a period of 13 days on his Mechi-Mahakali tour to mark the World AIDS Day, 2003.

Shrestha rides his cycle sitting with his back to the handle bars and navigates his way turning his neck to look over his shoulder. "Initially turning my neck to look ahead wasa painful but I've gotten used to it," said this ace cyclist.

He started riding this way as he found it to be fun but when he found when he saw the large crowds that gathered every where he went, he thought why not do it for a cause. He decided to use this talent to make aware people about HIV/AIDS and for peace.

Encouraged by people's response to his Mechi-Mahakali tour, Ananta went again Mechi-Mahakali in Reverse Motorcyle (1138 km) on December 2005 (World Aids Day), And did three times around the valley to make aware people about HIV/AIDS.

He is making a plans to travel the globe by motorcycle his two-wheeler facing backward.

-Fashion Nepal